Many thanks

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Many thanks

Postby Evolution » Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:26 am

SO tomorrow is the last day at work…..looking forward to the break, I would just like to thank all my family and friends for the wonderful support i have had from them in 2012. The biggest thank you to ALL our customers for all the MAGIC they brought into the workshop in 2012. We had some tough times and some magical times, the most important thing was unity prevailed. After taking numerous amounts of slander from various COMPANIES , STO prevailed the most consistent TUNING BRAND being represented by 3 different Vehicle brands in CPT at Saldahna 1st DECEMBER. MY heart felt best wishes goes out to ALL our CLients for Christmas, may God bring light and prosperity into your lives. May he bless you with the choicest of blessings. May he keep you all as wonderful as you are!.Last but not least. to my Dear friend GARTH TEMMER’s good luck with the birth of you first baby, I know BABY Temmer’s will be the SUN in your day.Carl Gideon, Marc Petesen, Clinton Muller, Aseesh Jairaj, Craig Blows, Shameeh Pietersen, Imraan Hassan , Gregory Dyer.

I would like to say a big thank you to you all for all the words of encouragement, the motivation, the blessing, the wonderful Jokes
and the fact that you guys believed in a brand called STO- tuning.
Last but not least my wonderful wife, for sitting up with the kids when i was not around….
may God bless you all and may 2013 MAKE STO-tuning ROCK SALDAHNA!!!!
2013 we gonna be chasing the records!
GTI Driver
Posts: 369
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:58 am

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