My GIAC tuned PGTI Hope U like.

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This is probably the handiest windows tool in the world ever.

no more resizing each individual picture one by one in photoshop. nope, Batch resize is right here!

And the qualtiy is well better than our forum softwear doing it for you (which also isnt great, as it loads up the entire pic even tho it only shows a grainy version for the full size picture)

So do everyone a favour, and use this
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Re: My GIAC tuned PGTI Hope U like.

Postby MarnusGTI1.8t » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:40 pm

VWpoloGTi07 wrote:
Polo gti potch wrote:Hi sorry to chip in like this, just wanted to know if there is stil races in town in klerksdorp sunday nights ? I heared there is a 800m sprint on monday at klerksdorp, dont know if it is on.

Hey there is races on sunday and its gone be packd cause monday is a holiday and the 800 sprints think its only 4 bickes, not sure.

Ja Sunday gonna be packed at Kld and Monday the 400m and 800m sprints is for cars and bikes hope we see some of u guys there 8-)

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