Moderator: InBoost
ECLIPSE wrote:It is public knowledge that Nasen and I are very good friends and he has been a pivotal influence on the development of My car over the past months. His unparralled knowledge of motor cars in general not just Opel is legendary to say the least. I would NEVER have been at the stage I am at without his help, knowledge, commitment and patience!!!! Every time I go to his shop there are almost as many GOLF's there as there are Opels and sometimes there are more VW's than Opels. Being his good friend, people will think that I am being biased and that is the reason I held back on the praise in the past but I believe that praise must be given where it is due!!!!! THANK YOU MY FRIEND FOR ALL THE HARD WORK AND EFFORT THAT YOU PUT INTO THIS CAR AND IT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE WITHOUT YOU!!!! Thank you to Joe also who has seen every change made and personally worked on the car everytime it was there. Thank you for the care you take when working on my baby!!!!
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